
salam. happy saturday and happy weekends ya !!!!

Recently, i got a "proposal " from e- magazine from FAMEHITZ website. An editor asked me if im interested to be featured as a blogger in their website. At first, i was shocked and thought, might they had chosen the wrong person. Hiii..

After thinking deeply, i replied one day later and accepted their "proposal". Heemm that time i think again ohh what i have done . 😃😃😃. I felt something strange haha.. previously, my blog had been featured on one of renowned magazine MAJALAH JELITA,, because before i was known as a food blogger. Now i gradually change my blog niche to lifestyle blogger 

The ups and downs of  being a blogger is not easy. For a newbie,  i would like to advice you, dont give up...start slowly and step by step and you will find a tremendous satisfaction in your blogging world. That's my advice.. 

Ok lah if you want to read more my e - interview from FAMEHITZ.. please click this link .. sorry ahh.. not too personal :D because what i was sharing my stories and my thoughts there as a passion being a blogger

I knew some of my blogger friends had been featured there too.. congrats to you.at least , after my e- interview has been published, i hope more and more traffic in my blog lol 😃😃😃. Ok alhamdulillah .. thank you editor Travis from FAMEHITZ.. for featuring me as a blogger in the lifestyle section..sorry full entry in english today :D...



  1. Congrats!
    It's really an inspiring journey to be shared and read by other bloggers.
    I will take note at some of your advises, and make sure that I'll keep on blogging and be one great blogger like you in the future! :)

  2. Wah.. Tahniah wani. Buat ana lg semangat utk berblog 😍

  3. wow! alhamdulillah tahniah kak wani! Semoga terus success pada masa akan datang! amin!

  4. Tahniah Wani, satu pengalaman yang manis kan.. kak ana pun pernah menghiasi slot di Famehitz.com ni, Congrats my dear :)

  5. Tahniah! Bestnyaa kakak. Inspired. :)

  6. Tahniah wanie.. semoga terus berjaya.. :)

  7. Wahhh, congratulations 🎉😄👏👏👏


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